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Combating poverty and inequality : structural change, social policy and politics. - United Nations Research Institute for Social Development. -- Geneva : United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, (2010)
CPA 2010 national payroll week employee survey - Framework Partners Inc. -- Toronto : The Canadian Payroll Association, (2010)
Families count : profiling Canada's families IV. - The Vanier Institute of the Family. -- Ottawa : The Vanier Institute of the Family, (2010)
Housing, public policy and social inclusion / Hulse, Kath; Jacobs, Keith; Arthurson, Kathy; Spinney, Angela. -- Melbourne : Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, (2010)
Immigration : for young citizens. / Kent, Tom. -- Ottawa : Caledon Institute of Social Policy, (2010)
Making room for mental health in the medical home / Hogan, Michael F.; Sederer, Lloyd I.; Smith, Thomas E.; Nossel, Ilana R. -- Atlanta : Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (2010)
Restocking the Shelves 2010 - The Salvation Army. -- Toronto : The Salvation Army, (2010)
Sickness, disability and work : breaking the barriers : Canada : opportunities for collaboration. - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. -- Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, (2010)
Trafficking in human beings : human rights and trans-national criminal law, developments in law and practices. / Touzenis, Kristina. (de Guchteneire, Paul Pécoud, Antoine French, Amber). -- Paris : United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, (2010)